Fun for Kids - Food is Too Good to Waste!

Save those leftovers!
By | February 28, 2022
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Did you know that in the United States, we waste about 1/3 of all the food that we make?

This is a big problem, because wasting food also wastes all the land, water, effort, and energy it took to make that food. Food in landfills creates methane gas, which is bad for the environment.

For example, the sauce on your pizza is made from tomatoes, which a farmer grew in the field. It took land, water, and effort to grow those tomatoes, energy to harvest them, turn them into sauce, and bring them to your local pizza shop. The crust, cheese, and other ingredients in your pizza took resources to make and transport, too!

What are some ways kids can help reduce food waste?

Only take food that you know you will eat. You can always get more if you are still hungry!

If you have a packaged food that comes with two, share with a friend instead of throwing the second half away!

Challenge your family to use leftovers in fun and creative ways. What new toppings could you add to your leftover pizza to make it even more delicious?

Try composting food waste! Check out www.epa.gov/recycle/composting-home to learn more about composting at home.

Special thanks to George Madiba, environmental steward and mom from South Orange, for sharing this idea! Hey kids, do you have a topic or subject you would like to see presented? Email us at info@ediblejersey.com!

Teaching kids about food waste