NOFA Book Club: Restoration Agriculture

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NOFA book clubs are free events, but they ask you to please kindly register.  Restoration Agriculture by Mark Shepard reveals how to sustainably grow perennial food crops that can feed us in our resource-compromised future.  It explains how we can have all of the benefits of natural, perennial ecosystems and create agricultural systems that imitate nature in form and function while still providing for our food, building, fuel and many other needs.  Using the restoration agriculture system, and oak savanna mimic will produce more than twice the number of edible human calories per acre as an average acre of corn, never need to be planted again, prevents erosion, creates soil, and can be managed with no fossil fuel inputs. This book, based on real-world practices, presents an alternative to the agricultural systems of eradication and offers exciting hope for our future.

Date: January 09, 2018 7:00 PM-8:30 PM

Location: Brick Farm Market | 65 East Broad Street, Hopewell, NJ 08525 | 609-466-6500

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65 East Broad Street
Hopewell, NJ 08525

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