New Jersey Seafood

Last Updated July 12, 2019
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From Sea to Plate - Life on a New Jersey Fishing Boat

Onboard the FV Webo with Local 130 Seafood and daPesca

Local 130 Seafood Writes Its Next Chapter

“We represent hardworking men and women on the working waterfront.”

New Jersey Seafood: A Partial Guide

woodcut style illustration of a fish and shells
Expand Your Seafood Horizon

Enjoying Skate at daPesca

Skate is fantastic in a classic dish that’s been served for hundreds of years.

Pairing Wine and Seafood

wine tasting
When seeking a bottle to complement fish, don’t be afraid to color outside of the lines.

The Diving Horse: Baked Oysters

Chef: John Boswell
As a chef, you don’t want to waste anything

Baked Oysters

baked oysters
“I love Cape May oysters, because the one thing that I do think rings true about oysters is that they taste like the waters that they come from. When I taste a Cape May salt oyster, that’s the...

Fun for Kids - Under the Sea

Did you know that less than 5% of the Earth's oceans have been explored?

What’s happening near you

December 21 - 22

Winery Weekend Music Series

Terhune Orchards
December 22 | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

South Orange Downtown Holiday Market

Village Plaza
South Orange