Holiday 2024 | Winter 2025 Issue

Come the holidays, I always feel a need to summarize my year, both in quiet contemplation and in conversations. I like that feeling of looking back to see all that has happened and what has been accomplished (and what has not!); it helps direct me to the new year ahead.
It’s been a busy year at Edible Jersey with many new initiatives, such as our Passport to New Jersey Wine Country (Fall issue), created with the Garden State Wine Growers Association, and partnerships with so many wonderful destinations across the state. We had the fun of hosting our fi rst offi cial issue launch party on the hottest day of the year this past July, and we’re already heavily into planning our upcoming 2025 Food and Wine Adventures to Northern Spain (March) and Southern Italy (October).
We welcomed a number of new writers and photographers in 2024, and I still stand in awe of our long-term loyal contributors and entire production team. We remain ever grateful for the support of our advertising partners who help make this and every one of our issues possible and ask that you include them in your holiday shopping plans this season.
One highlight of 2024 happened in February when Ray and I were presented with the 2024 Phillip Alampi Industry Marketing Award by the New Jersey Agricultural Society in recognition of our eff orts to promote NJ agriculture with innovative ideas that create or enhance markets to increase sales. It was such an honor—and a reminder that there is so much more to be done to promote and sustain NJ agriculture and agritourism. That’s just one of the reasons we love to share important stories like Fran McManus’s “The Seed Farm” and look forward to bringing you more such insights next year.
But first, I’m looking forward to the relative quiet of the winter—and baking season. This is always my favorite time of year for cooking and, especially, baking—and that anticipation has defi nitely informed this issue. You’ll find more recipes than usual here, from cookies to soup to salads, sprinkled throughout and listed on page 3 as well as our fun round-up of Jersey-authored cookbooks. We hope they help warm your holiday gatherings and winter season.
Thank you for reading this magazine for the past 18 years and being a part of our Edible community. We wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy 2025!
Nancy Brannigan Painter, Editor & Publisher